Blog Hiatus

Hey there. You might have noticed. I’ve been a little bit lame online. Even more than usual. Particularly on this blog.

So here’s the deal. (WARNING: What follows is an overly elaborate “it’s not you, it’s me” blog post.)

I need a little online down time. I’m a bit worn out, a bit disoriented, especially with my online identity. So I’m going to back off the blog and other online shtuff for a few months.

I have two goals during this hiatus:

  1. get some momentum on the next draft of my next novel
  2. come up with a new video-related project that I love

I know these goals are not measurable. I’m not yet committing to a completion date for my novel and I’m not committing to making some number of videos. The measuring comes later.

Right now, I need the goals to not be measurable. I need something soft and fluffy. Because I’m just looking to get more excited about these two areas. Something that I sort of lost amidst the publicity of book #1. The excitement is coming back already (in both areas), but I think a hiatus without guilt will help even more. (And this blog post somehow gives me some sort of guilt immunity… don’t ask why…. centuries of crooked guilt…)

In the meantime, I’ve cleaned up the video page on my website so you have easy access to all my videos.

And feel free to check in with me on Twitter or elsewhere. I’ll still respond to direct communication. (Probably!)

If I don’t come up for air in about three months, call the police.

Love, yuvi


video: My New Video Series: The Scribbling Bucket


Brave on the Page