Most People Don’t Give a Shit About Your Thing (video)

This latest video talks through the mindset shift that I’ve taken on this year (for all my creative pursuits). I knew that I didn’t want to be too disappointed by any activities related to my new book. There are just too many factors to consider with a book release, and many of them are out of my control. As much as possible, I wanted to savor the good stuff without having unrealistic expectations. I also didn’t want to ever feel gross with how I share or promote anything. So I boiled down the mindset to “most people don’t give a shit.” Think of it like a second-rate, neurotic version of Buddhist ideas related to unmet expectations and the problems with a “wanting mind”… or something like that.

I say more about this subject in my Writer Unboxed column (❤️️WU).

If you want more info about my new novel, check out I Only Cry with Emoticons.


How do you promote a thing when the world is collapsing around you?


On Writing with Chronic Migraines