The Rebirth of the Neurotic Tornado Podcast

At the most inconvenient possible time, I’ve decided to restart my Neurotic Tornado podcast! 😫🌪 In this season (#4), my wife comes up to the attic and we discuss some of my mental baggage, especially related to sharing creative stuff with the world (like my forthcoming novel). I’ve been struggling with issues around obsessive thinking, anxiety, dread, insecurity, chronic pain, and more. And so I thought it would be a delightful romp to work through this stuff with microphones in our faces! 😜

On a serious note, I did want to talk about these issues and understand them better as I try to be a happier, healthier human. And my wife has some cool insights in this realm.

If you want to learn more about the podcast series (and how to subscribe), visit the Neurotic Tornado page. The first episode just came out and it’s about obsession (Episode 40: I’m My Obsession).

I’m aiming to publish an episode every two weeks as we work through about a half dozen topics, but this schedule and this plan could easily change depending on how this experiment goes…

Check out the podcast archives for many great episodes with my wife and also with the fabulous Jackie Shannon Hollis (who hosted season #2 and #3 with me).


Spiral of Foreboding (podcast)


Publishing Purgatory & Pants