The Depression and Anxiety Episode (podcast)

With my novel (I Only Cry with Emoticons) coming out in just a few weeks, I figured it would be a good time for us to discuss my relationship to depression and anxiety over the years. Turns out that I used to date depression but now I'm hooking up with anxiety. So... yay??? Check out the latest Neurotic Tornado 😫🌪 podcast episode.

To get more info about depression and anxiety:

If you want more info about the Neurotic Tornado 😫🌪 podcast, check out the podcast home page.

If you want more info about my new novel, check out I Only Cry with Emoticons.

💔 By the way, we recorded this episode before the Uvalde shooting, but that’s not really much of an explanation because there have been 26 other school shootings this year, over 200 mass shootings this year, gun death is the LEADING cause of DEATH for KIDS in the United States. This is all so heartbreaking and infuriating and disheartening. And I’m not sure what to say except I’m sad and mad and supporting organizations trying to stop this madness in the United States even though I also feel a helplessness about this situation and this country and this Congress. Here is the title from an article on the parody site, The Onion: ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens. They print an article with this same title whenever there is a mass shooting and it hurts how frequently this title comes up. Actually, if you go to The Onion home page on the day I’m publishing this post, EVERY ARTICLE on the page is about gun violence in the United States. My heart goes out to the families grieving and my anger goes out to the politicians who are cynical enough to blame the number of entrances in a building, or evil, or talk about good guys with guns, or whatever else excuse they use to avoid doing something real.


Book Launch Day!


Gatekeepers & Creativity (video)