to hell with your productivity tips (video)

Around ten years ago, I was VERY into productivity. I was always on the prowl for a new TO DO app, or a new mail app, or a new productivity hack, or some new technique that would magically make me ultra-super-hyper-productive. The thing about it was that I spent way too much time with these tools and tactics, and not as much time doing the things I actually wanted to be productive about. Nowadays, I’m much less into productivity methods, and I just try to do the things I want to do, with as minimal structure as is reasonable. Here’s a short video about my anti-productivity journey (which, I’m sorry to admit, takes a short detour into a Rick and Morty episode)… 😜😱


more than zero: an overly simple plan for my creative projects (video)


Prompts: A Simple Storytelling Exercise (that I'm giving away for free)