📚🎉 My latest novel (I Only Cry with Emoticons, Red Hen Press) is about a tech guy struggling to disconnect from his devices and to connect with the people in his life. My debut novel (A Brilliant Novel in the Works, MP Publishing) is about a guy named Yuvi who can’t write a novel.
In addition to writing novels, I do a whole bunch of other shit.
✍️ I write stories and essays.
📺 I create poorly-animated videos.
📱 I develop neurotic apps for iOS devices.
📡 I occasionally do a podcast (Neurotic Tornado 😫🌪) that explores relationships and emotions and pain and other messy, hilarious things.
😱 Most of these projects revolve around a few themes that I keep coming back to: creativity, failure, vulnerability, depression, chronic pain, and stumbling towards being a decent human being.
💼 Oh. I also do technical writing on the side. Except that it is the side that takes up all business hours and pays better than contributor’s copies.
📷 Photograph by James Martin
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