Change Is Scary (even on a crappy blog)

So I’m experimenting with an entirely different website theme. Even though I liked my previous dark and dreary theme, it was getting to be a pain to fine-tune and it was not so mobile-device-friendly. I’m trying out a new theme by Spyr Media. What do you think? I feel like I just walked in to a new bar and I’m still testing out its vibe. I’m still not positive that I’m dressed right for this place. I’m still exploring their cocktail menu. But I think I like it. If you don’t like it, let’s blame Michael Schechter over at He’s had a nasty habit of giving me a lot of smart advice lately.

By the way, a new video will post on July 14th. It will also be about change.


I'm A Failed Writer #14: Project Mismanagement


Crowdsourcing My Anxiety