I'm A Failed Writer #10: Big Projects, Small Lists

I’m a coward. When faced with a big project – something time consuming, something that will require sacrifices to be made – my instinct is to run away. Fast. No looking back. For that reason, it took me a long time to come around to the point where I (somewhat) enjoy the challenge of a big project. I’m talking about something like writing a novel or being in a long-term relationship. These are things that require work. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year.

The funny thing is that a key method I use to confront these big projects is so simple, so low-tech (so cheap in therapy costs!) that it almost seems like it’s cheating. And here it is:

I know, I know. It’s not the most profound idea. But I'm still amazed how much it helps. What about you? Do you have tricks like this?

Click here to view my other videos.


Where I turn the Mike Daisey debacle into an Ira Glass fetish


Shameful Book Update: February 28, 2012