Closed for retooling + Is this video funny?

Hi there. Just wanted to let y’all know that I’m going to take a little break from online-y things. I need to think through my online projects. And I want to clean up a few non-online things (like family, book, sleep, intestines).And when I get back to it, I’d like to shift things up a little. I might revive the I’m a Failed Writer series to tackle a few writerly issues on my mind. I also want to adjust The Creative Turn project. Perhaps play with both the format and the content. I want to talk less directly about writing. I also don’t want to require audio + video every single round. Or necessarily keep doing straight-up interviews. It’s been a fun experience so far, but I’m ready to f#!@ it up a little bit. So stay subscribed to my website for an update once I get my head on straight. And even before I get my head on straight (pretending that I intend to…), you may be privy to a few experiments around here. Wow: did I just use the word privy? Sorry.Oh. Unrelated side note. Is this video funny? Or just 81 seconds of un-funny suffering?


tctpod-season1-06: This Turn It's the Turn's Turn


tctpod-season1-05: Before I was an African-American artist