Intentional Disappearing: Ghosting Your Creative Projects (video)
So I disappeared for a little while... I haven’t posted a YouTube video in more than three months. My blog hasn't seen much action. I haven't been writing much over the past few months. 😭 Even though I didn't do a good job of communicating this disappearance to you, it was an intentional disappearance. And it's something I do when personal issues, health issues, family issues, or coup attempts come up in my life. 😱 Check out my new video to get a better feeling for what the hell I'm talking about. (What? Did you think I would spill the tea right here in this post? How else is my video going to get 12 views instead of 0 views?! And also, SOMEONE is going to have to appreciate how crooked my glasses are in this video! And ALSO, did you notice that I'm keeping up with the kids these days by saying "spill the tea"???)

Present Before the Future: Chronic Pain & Creativity (video)
There’s been something on my mind lately about how I approach my chronic pain (migraines! 🤕) that has similarities to my approach with creative projects (writing! ✍️ YouTubing! 📽️ coding! 👨💻 podcasting!). It relates to the distinction between future-focused issues 🔮 and present-focused issues 🧘. And so I tried to capture it in this video…

a fuzzy reflection on my creative life (video)
I'm not so into new year's resolutions 🎉, but I still wanted to awkwardly think through my attitude (mostly around my creative life) 🧑🎨 in 2022, and whether it needs to change in 2023 🌪️😭 (beyond just using fewer emoji in place of real feelings)…

more than zero: an overly simple plan for my creative projects (video)
I’m not the fastest writer in the world (ten years between novels!?). ✍️ I’m also a really slow reader. 📚 I’m slow at creating YouTube videos. 📽️ I’m slow at a lot of things. 🐢
But I also continuously nudge myself to create interesting things. As I mentioned in my last video (wait, what!?, you didn’t watch it!? here it is: to hell with your productivity tips), I’m not into having a rigid productivity plan for my creative projects. But I do try to follow one simple rule: More Than Zero. I need to make more than zero progress on all the important projects each week. Roughly. Mostly. Usually.

to hell with your productivity tips (video)
Around ten years ago, I was VERY into productivity. I was always on the prowl for a new TO DO app, or a new mail app, or a new productivity hack, or some new technique that would magically make me ultra-super-hyper-productive. The thing about it was that I spent way too much time with these tools and tactics, and not as much time doing the things I actually wanted to be productive about. Nowadays, I’m much less into productivity methods, and I just try to do the things I want to do, with as minimal structure as is reasonable. Here’s a short video about my anti-productivity journey (which, I’m sorry to admit, takes a short detour into a Rick and Morty episode)… 😜😱

you should consider quitting (video)
Oh! I forgot to tell you that, a few weeks ago, I made a video about quitting... Or, not really quitting, but how I think about quitting... Or maybe it's more about whether it's worth quitting… Or maybe… You know what? Just watch the damn video.

make something terrible (video)
I recently got some insight into my creative process from my kid's music teacher… who is now, somehow, my music teacher… even though I previously had no skill or interest in music. But he's really more of a creative mentor. The work we do goes from making music to making videos to managing time better, and it even informs my writing process. And how to worry more effectively. So I thought I could share with you some of the ideas I've gotten from his teaching style that have helped me with my creative life, and my... life life.

a multi-creative in the attic (video)
I've always struggled with being monogamous when it comes to my creative outlets. I've been writing for most of my adult life, but I also dabble with YouTube videos and making apps and making music (sort of) and various other activities. I used to focus on the downsides to working on so many different pursuits (and there are plenty of downsides!), but this video is about me accepting (and maybe kinda sorta embracing) this quality. (I also do about 12 seconds of research and find out that there's already a name for this quality. But since I don't like the name, I made up a new name…)

Writing a Novel When You're Too Busy to Write a Novel (video)
In a blog post about my forthcoming novel, I claimed that I'd pull together a video about writing the novel. Well, here it is. It's under five minutes, but it still required 1060 bad drawings, some background music that I created on my iPad, and one video of me sitting on the toilet. Oy!
How I Use Tech to Write (video)
For the past few years, I've wanted to make a video about my writing process when I'm working on a book-sized project. My process is a zig-zaggy combination of scribbling and typing and listening. I particularly love writing on an iPad because you have a few different ways to interact with it (stylus + keyboard + voice + weeping under the desk), and I also find it a less distracting tool than an old-school computer. The problem with my first few fAiLeD attempts at making this video was that I overly focused on exactly what tech and which apps I used... It's just too easy to get caught up in buying the trendy app of the month with the hopes that it'll save you from the difficulty of writing. (Nothing will save you. Writing sucks!) And my main goal was really to focus on how and why I use the tools that I use. (But I also didn't want to totally ignore the apps that I find valuable, because they are lovingly built and they are fabulous to use.) So... hopefully this short video gives you a feel for my approach without getting too lost in the technical weeds...
Writing Through Pain (video)
It's time for my yearly visit to the online surface — where I pop my head up, look around, and when I don't get enough likes (or I get too many likes), I go back into my hole until next year. This time I'd like to share with you a video I made about how I write alongside chronic pain...