Say the Thing: A pretty dumb text-to-speech app

tl;dr: I mistakenly made an app. It’s free. If you use an iPad or iPhone for writing and you like having the device read what you write, get it.

Each morning, you’re probably waking up thinking, “Where the hell did Yuvi go?” I've got a whole pile of reasons and excuses — some real, some imagined — but instead of listing those here, I just want to tell you that I haven’t totally disappeared off the planet. For example, I just released a FREE app to help with the writing process...

I’m obsessed with having the computer read what I write. What I love about the computer voice is that it doesn't give a damn what you meant to write — it only knows what you actually wrote. The problem is that I couldn’t find the right tool to do this on iPad and iPhone. I mean, there is a built-in way to speak text, but it doesn't quite cut it… I’d like a clear way to play and pause and change the voice. And I’d like a way to do it exclusively with an external keyboard on an iPad. Drag and drop would be nice too. There are some really good fancy apps, like Voice Dream, which I use for some stuff. But that app is a little more complicated and elaborate. I wanted something dumb and lightweight, but still powerful enough to do what I needed. So I mistakenly made the app I wanted.It’s called Say the Thing. It plays whatever text you throw at it.

Want it? Then get it for free before the developer disappears off the planet again.

Link to the product web page.

NOTE: This blog post was reluctantly proofread by Say the Thing.

NOTE 2: ...And even more reluctantly by my wife.


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