
I didn't know shit about the man. Plus, I was late to the party. I didn't even start paying attention to Steve and Apple until a few years ago. He was already uncomfortably skinny when I noticed him and when I started admiring Apple products. But today my Macbook Air and my iPhone are essential parts of my work. A single day without either of these devices and I will feel it heavily. Even so, I think I'm unqualified to talk about the guy and the company.But here's what I did last night: I worked on my novel on my Macbook Air. I told stories about my dead grandfather as he tried to survive as a poor immigrant in rural Georgia in 1938. Later in the night I reviewed my writing at a bar on my iPhone while drinking margaritas. I obviously thought about Steve Jobs as I did these things. But last week I did the same things and I didn't think a damn thing about Steve Jobs.Here is what I can tell you: These tools I use are amazing things in my life. I never stop appreciating them. They work in ways that I never before imagined and now can't imagine being without. There is an emotion to using these tools. I don't get where it comes from, but I love how these tools help me tell my dead grandfather's story. They don't write the story. But they somehow know how to slide out of the way so I can slip right into this hard-to-slip-into story.How quickly I've grown to arrogantly expect these tools in my life. They are so much a part of my creative process.And even though I don't know exactly how, I know that Steve Jobs' vision is a big part of what makes these things what they are.I don't know shit about the man, but these things he envisioned open doors for our stories to be told.


iPad at Work really works


I’m A Failed Writer #6: Obsession x Voice